From Where I Ride
Details: Font Hill

I have found there is a special kind of silence that can only be heard during the first real snow of the year.

My Happy Place
There are few things I cherish more than cruising Upper Bucks County in late October and it was great to share it with my good buddy Dan. I've slowly started bringing a little Olympus Stylus with me and was experimenting with shooting position and proximity. This ride also included incredible baked oatmeal and coffee from one of my all time favorite spots.

From Where I Ride Part 2: T-Rexstasy
Finally! The second installment of From Where I Ride is here. This time I lugged my trusty K1000 around good ole Bucks County! Many of these roads are amongst my favorites and although I ride them with some frequency, there is always something new to see. From a hungry Tyrannosaurus rex to a flock of butterflies, you never quite know what you're going to run into. With a few steeper climbs than my average ride, this one really got that blood pumpin'!

From Where I Ride Part 1: When Death Dies
I have recently become fascinated with the concept of hedonism. Hedonism, according to Google, is the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self indulgence. Sensual self indulgence, let that one stew.
In an act of extreme hedonism, when the mood strikes, I have decided to strap on my K1000 and bring it along on longer rides. You may be thinking, "That doesn't sound like sensual self indulgence." but I can assure you, it is the pinnacle. The rhythm of the pedals, the snap of the shutter, I could die brimming with endorphins and adrenaline.
This brings us to From Where I Ride. A segment that I hope to maintain, From Where I Ride will include a series of photos taken over the course of a single ride and a Strava map showing the route that I took with basic ride stats. So without further ado, From Where I Ride Part 1: When Death Dies.